



The Sweet Spot of Innovation lies at the intersection of Content, Technology and Design. Whether it is a mobile app, immersive social, or extended reality. People like interacting with stories in new ways. We like smashing that window.


A Short Story

Curt Doty, former studio executive and award-winning marketer, brings leadership experience across the entertainment and branding worlds. 

As a creative entrepreneur, his consultancy specializes in integrated marketing, multi-channel storytelling, branding, identity and user experience with client engagements with NCI, Wizard World, Topps, The Grammys, Maserati, AARP, Spalding, Z-Living, HighGarden Collective, enViibe, Starz, The Santa Fe International Film Festival and many more. Curt has specialized in mobile focused vertical storytelling, branded and original content  with recent clients of Viacom, Nickelodeon, MTV, BET, ClixTV, Snapchat and IGTV.

Curt has an extensive legacy in television which began at Pittard Sullivan, having worked on broadcast design, network branding, and image campaigns for clients such as Warner Bros TV, TV Guide, Discovery, ABC, FX, StarTV Asia and SAT.1.

His experience in movie marketing includes clientele such as Universal Pictures, 20th Century Fox, Fox Searchlight, Dreamworks, Focus Features, Miramax, and Warner Bros.

His Fortune 500 clientele have included GM, Carl’s Jr., Bausch + Lomb, Pond’s, Covered California, Degree, GoGo, Genentech, Michael & Susan Dell Foundation, TracFone, USPS, Ubisoft, Abbott, US Army, Housing of Urban Development and Motorola.

Curt’s last 15 years have been focused on technology and innovation. With R&D projects with Apple, Toshiba and Microsoft, he pioneered interactive content (Advanced Content) for mobile, Blu-ray and multi-touch eBooks while leading divisions at Trailer Park and Bemis Balkind.

As the web is evolving, Curt has recently focused on Web3, decentralization, blockchain and the creator economy through his branding, UX design and marketing. He is a successful fractional leader, acting as CCO and CMO for multiple startups. He recently launched MediaSlam, a content platform discussing the intersection of Design, Content and Tech and also launched RealmIQ, a change management consultancy focused on AI.

He is a sought after public speaker having been featured at Mobile Growth Association, Mobile Congress, App Growth Summit, Promax, CES, CTIA, NAB, NATPE, MMA Global, New Mexico Angels, Santa Fe Business Incubator, AImpact and EntrepeneursRx. He is now represented by Ovationz.

Based in Santa Fe, he manages both coasts and a whole new clientele and continues to be a thought leader, visionary and outspoken creative on what is happening in Tech, Content and Design.


Recent Identity Work


Brands I have worked with


Innovation Timeline

What is your Point of Innovation?


 Curt is a sought after public speaker having been featured at Mobile Growth Association, Mobile World Congress, App Growth Summit, Promax, CES, CTIA, NAB, NATPE, MMA Global, New Mexico Angels, PRSA, AImpact, and EntrepeneursRx.



What is great about Curt, is how quick he understands emerging ideas and how that can translate into a great implementation. He has helped us build and develop new formats for content and been a key advocate for helping get the word out about why making content that is uniquely digital can be a great customer experience.

/  DAN MARUSICH, DirECTOR iTunes Video Business Dev. at Apple  /